A hand holding a small lizard.

Caryapundy Swamp Ramsar Preservation

Preservation of the Caryapundy Swamp is a continuing focus in the Western region. The site is listed as a Wetland of International Importance under the Ramsar Convention for its contribution to conserving biological diversity.

We are working closely with NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service, First Nations communities, species experts and landholders to strengthen site resilience and improve the condition of wetland vegetation and habitat by managing impacts from non-native plant and animal species.

Traditional Owners’ ecological knowledge is being incorporated into management of associated local threatened species and ecological communities at the site.

This project is funded by the Australian Government Natural Heritage Trust.

More details about the project will be coming soon. To find out the latest news and advice for your region, subscribe to one of our newsletters.

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Image by NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service

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