Grasses and tufts of grasses and trees scattered around a large field.

Towra Point Nature Reserve

The Towra Point Ramsar site is a continuing focus in the Greater Sydney region. The site is listed as a Wetland of International Importance under the Ramsar Convention because it supports rare and threatened species and ecological communities, endangered and migratory birds, and the wetland habitats in the area.

It contains around 60% of saltmarsh and 40% of mangrove communities in the entire Sydney region and provides critical roosting and feeding habitat for a high volume of migratory shorebird species, including the endangered eastern curlew and little tern.

We are working closely with NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service, First Nations communities, Georges Riverkeeper, local council, species experts, birdlife communities and other interested groups to strengthen wetland resilience and habitat. The work will include weed, pest animal and run-off management.

Community engagement opportunities will be available to contribute to this precious and popular habitat. Promotion of these opportunities will occur through our social media sites and e-newsletters.

This project is funded by the Australian Government Natural Heritage Trust.

More details about the project will be coming soon. In the meantime, you can learn about our work to date at Towra Point. To find out the latest news and advice for your region, subscribe to one of our newsletters.

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