NSW Landcare Enabling Program 2023-2027
The NSW Government has committed $59 million to Landcare and Landcare activities in NSW over the next 4 years through the NSW Landcare Enabling Program 2023-2027.
Local Land Services, in partnership with Landcare NSW, will deliver the program as a continuation of their long-standing successful partnership.
Landcare come together for 2024 State Gathering
In August, Local Land Services partnered with Landcare NSW to deliver the NSW Landcare Enabling Program 2024 State Gathering.
Held in the beautiful surrounds of Quarantine Station in Sydney, the gathering brought Landcare representatives from all around NSW together to connect, collaborate and build capacity.
Over the 3 days of the gathering, attendees heard:
- regional updates from Landcare groups and networks
- important updates on the NSW Landcare Enabling Program
- from Bush to Bowl, a social enterprise providing a platform for First Nations people by connecting to Country and their traditional foodways
- Paul Ryan from the Australian Resilience Centre about working with change
- a panel discussion about the Aboriginal Landcare Coordinator role and future opportunities
- about the connection to Country and the rich Aboriginal, European and Australian history of Quarantine Station.
The gathering was constructive with Local Land Services and Landcare NSW getting feedback on where resources are required, with attendees taking the learnings home to incorporate into their local groups, networks, partnerships and projects.
Image 1: The 2024 State Gathering commenced with a moving Welcome to Country smoking ceremony. Image 2: LLS CEO Kate Lorimer-Ward addressing attendees.
We look forward to continuing our partnership with Landcare NSW as we work to enhance, restore and protect the natural environment across NSW for many years to come.
The gathering was made possible by the NSW Landcare Enabling Program.
Local and Regional Coordinators funded to support on-ground projects
Funding has been allocated for 83 full-time equivalent local and regional Landcare coordinators and support staff, following a competitive grant and assessment process.
The aim of the regional and local Landcare coordinators is to support on-ground projects specific to the needs of the local natural environments and agricultural systems.
In addition, the coordinators will deliver on a number of other priorities, including:
- strengthening the capacity of Landcarers which will result in effective, efficient support to Landcare volunteers, farmers and the community
- ensuring effective collaboration and partnerships between Landcare groups, Local Land Services, other government agencies and Landcare NSW
- leveraging funding opportunities to maximise socio-economic and environmental outcomes.
As part of the funding, each local and regional coordinator can also access up to $5,000 to undertake professional development over the course of the 4 year program.
A total of 16 Landcare groups based across NSW were successful in receiving funding for coordinators and support staff.
List of successful grantees
- Central West Lachlan Landcare Inc.
- North West Regional Landcarers Inc.
- South East Landcare Inc.
- Greater Sydney Landcare Network Incorporated.
- West Hume Landcare Inc.
- Holbrook Landcare Group Ltd.
- Western Landcare NSW Inc.
- Western Murray Land Improvement Group.
- New England Landcare Network Inc.
- Corowa District Landcare Inc.
- Mid Coast 2 Tops Landcare Connection Inc.
- Hunter Region Landcare Network Inc.
- Ricegrowers' Association of Australia Inc.
- North Coast Regional Landcare Network (NSW).
- Watershed Landcare Group Incorporated.
- Murrumbidgee Landcare Association Incorporated.
The funding of 83 full-time equivalent local and regional Landcare coordinators and support staff across NSW was the first of several funding opportunities to be made available through this program.
Landcare NSW funded to provide enabling support
The second phase of the program activated $8.2 million in funding to support Landcare NSW to provide specific enabling services that support host organisations and coordinators who were successful in the Local and Regional Coordinator grants.
The funding will be used to:
- fund the employment of up to 7.5 full-time equivalent staff to provide centralised support to host organisations and coordinators funded under the Local and Regional Coordinators grants
- establish a shared services hub that provides centralised support to host organisations and coordinators funded under the Local and Regional Coordinators Grants across a range of business services, but specifically administration, human resources and legal expertise
- implement and manage a state Community of Practice including Landcare state gatherings, conferences and regional mini musters
- implement and manage a digital Landcare solution to improve reporting processes and knowledge sharing for program participants
- develop and maintain strategic partnerships and leverage investment, to increase Landcare’s self-sustenance and reduce reliance on direct NSW Government funding over the medium to longer term.
The LLS and Landcare partnership
Together, Local Land Services and Landcare NSW are committed to empowering local communities and Landcare groups and networks to deliver sustainable agriculture and to best manage the state’s natural resources.
Find out more about our Landcare partnership, which has been in place since 2015.