Current riverbank rehabilitation works

The Riverbank Rehabilitation Project prioritises riverbank sites with cultural, environmental or agricultural value that were affected by the 2021 and 2022 floods and are at risk from future high rainfall events across 11 catchment areas.

The project has been funded and implemented in 2 phases.

Phase one

Phase one has involved the targeted rehabilitation of 3 sites, which are now nearing the final stages of construction. These include:

  • Boomerang Creek, Richmond River catchment
  • Dingo Creek, Manning River catchment
  • River Gum Bend, Wilsons River catchment.

Phase 2

Phase 2 is now underway, focusing on selecting sites through a technical prioritisation process. Our project team is conducting aerial surveys, erosion threat mapping, flood impact mapping and on-ground surveys to identify suitable sites.

Once sites are identified we will share detailed information about the on-ground works.

Follow the Riverbank Rehabilitation Project progress and works

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