On-ground examples of riverbank rehabilitation

The Riverbank Rehabilitation Project aims to protect and enhance flood-damaged riverbanks across 11 catchments in NSW. Watch the on-ground examples in the videos below.

Wilson River Case Study Video

The rehabilitation works on the Wilson River aim to restore and protect riverbanks within the Hastings catchment area. The Soil Conservation Service carried out the on-ground work, which included rock and timber installations and the planting of 2,030 native tube stock plants to ensure long-term protection of the riparian environment and prevent active erosion.

About the Riverbank Rehabilitation Project

Watch this video from the Riverbank Rehabilitation Project to gain valuable insights and practical advice on protecting and restoring your riverbanks. In this film, we explore key concepts of river behavior, common types of erosion, and effective erosion management strategies.

Follow the Riverbank Rehabilitation Project progress and works

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